Me and Linc at the Alpine Slide

Spence and Q at the Alpine Slide

Abe (my wonderful brother) and Lezlee at the Alpine Slide

Lezlee and her cousin Delaney going cowgirl style!

Linc, Q and their cousin Marc jumping on the trampoline at Grandma and Grandpa Critt's cabin. That's the back of Timpanogos and the Heber valley below. Very beautiful view from the ridge!

Some of the Crittenden grandkids climbing on the pro-hauler. We were taking family pictures that do so they were all dressed in white.

I love the cowboy boots! Looks like you guys had a great time in Utah. I think you and I are on the same time schedule as far as posting on our blogs. I haven't posted for about three months either so don't feel bad. Some of us just don't have the kind of kids that let us keep up on our blogs not for lack of excitment just lack of time. Glad to hear you are all doing well.
The alpine slide is so fun! Have you been on the coaster or zipline? Again it was fun to see you. Gary and Cathys place up there is really fun, so much to do.
What a fun trip! Wish we could have seen you guys! Next time.
Way cute pics. It was so good to see you while you were in town. We will have to get together next time you are in Utah or if I go to Az.
Hey it was great seeing you guys. Never often enough! I've got a couple of pix from when I was up there that ill have to email.
Cute pics. It was so much fun and went by way too fast!
Miss you guys.
So cute Rach. I wish we could come down for a quick weekend. We'll have to see if we can make it happen
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